Bitcoin…Benefit Or BitCon?

July 12, 2018

I have something that I think is of paramount importance, and it’s a gentleman I met at the Red Pill Expo just a few weeks ago. Kent had something that he passed out on most of the desks around. I picked it up and when I got home, I read it. The title is called “The Decentralized Cryptocurrency Nightmare”. That intrigued me because I was a pretty early adopter, and I did not jump on the Bitcoin bandwagon, even though I was one of the first to know about it, believe it or not.

However, I was tipped off very early by Charles Savoy that did a great deal of research for the Silver Investor website that the NSA had actually put out a whitepaper looking for information about how to decentralize cryptocurrency type of situation. That gave me pause.

About four years ago, I kept getting asked more and more about my take on Bitcoin, and my take was one, I’m for competing currencies. I’m definitely for that. That I wasn’t certain about Bitcoin, and if it became very popular, we might see something taking place where government hates competition. After reading this Decentralized Cryptocurrency Nightmare, I thought, man, this is the guy I have to interview. So here you go… enjoy our interview.

Spanish Conquistadores invaded the Inca Empire in 1528 to steal their silver and gold.

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