2013-W Uncirculated American Silver Eagle Sold Out
San Francisco (Dec 19) Individually sold 2013-W Uncirculated American Silver Eagles are no longer available from the United States Mint.
Earlier today, Dec. 19, the Mint tagged the American Silver Eagle as sold out, though it’s still available as one of the six coins packaged within the 2013 Annual Uncirculated Dollar Coin Set.
Last priced at $43.95, sales of the uncirculated Silver Eagle through Sunday, Dec. 15, reached 178,572. The just mentioned annual coin set is $1 more at $44.95, and actually the better deal since it also includes five other uncirculated dollars — the four 2013 Presidential $1 Coins and the 2013 Native American $1 Coin. More recently issued, its sales through Sunday were 18,006. That brings total sales for the 2013-W Uncirculated American Silver Eagle to 196,578. At that level, there’s the potential for this year’s coin to mark a new mintage low.
Sales figures above include all uncirculated Silver Eagles, including those sold individually as well as those purchased as part of numismatic sets. The 2013 total will continue to climb until the 2013 Annual Uncirculated Dollar Coin Set is taken off sale or sell outs. As a reference point, last year’s annual set launched in September and sold out in May with a final reported sales total of 28,368.