Boiling Down The Narratives

June 26, 2015
  • The question of how to speak to others about this:
  • Concessions
  • Earthquake
  • In the end – the course we are on – the only thing left.

So I’m tired of apologizing

Charlie brings up a familiar narrative including how he went about it and a prediction as well.

Check out the rest of the article below,

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Boiling Down The Narratives

Charlie, a long term subscriber sent me the note I’ve included below.

I decided to share it with you because I’m tired. I’m tired of conceding to the mainstream view.

I often find myself apologizing for the emotion and struggling to keep it all professional. To keep a cool head, stick to the facts, honor the investment implications and serve the interests of readers.

Just this past weekend, I had one of these conversations you have all had from time to time. The one where you end up defending a network of feelings tied in with a complicated conspiracy.

I found myself rationalizing the merits of silver and gold as part of an investment portfolio much like water and food are part of an earthquake kit. But, as most of you reading this know, it’s all very much deeper than that.

Often, simple the act of taking possession of this investment is enough to awaken the imagination to the deeper reality.

No doubt you are familiar with my subscribers’ experience. There are many aspects – each coming from a rich narrative.

One example is the coming end of the dollar. Where the only real opposition left comes from the argument that world super powers simply ‘want’ the benefit of a fiat system – power with no limits. And therefore it will go on for some time longer.

Perhaps this is so. But history is cyclical. And it always depends on which part of the cycle you are located.

At the moment, physical silver and gold are simply cheap investment and life options.

They are cheap because the mechanism by which their price is determined is flawed, corrupt and gamed. It’s been this way for decades. The evidence is simple, clear, and out in the open.

Upon deeper realizations, which usually come full force with physical possession, we come up from the rabbit hole and find that we should be taking our emergency preparations more seriously, as the emergency is here and now.

Dr. Lewis,

I have been reading your articles as you publish them here and there.  I particularly liked your romp through an investing history, which is similar to mine:   well-selected blue chip stocks, good mutual funds, US Treasury bonds — the whole nine yards. 

Then I woke up in the late 1970s, and began to see what was going on.  I bought small gold bars and larger silver bars through a broker, but never took possession.  I had the guarantee I could claim it anytime I wanted it, but it was safer in a vault somewhere in Delaware.  If I wanted to take possession, an assay was required which I had to pay for.  Imagine that in this age where tungsten bars covered with a thin layer of gold, are substituted for real gold bars! 

As soon as gold and silver eagles began to be minted in the mid-1980s I switched to them, and took possession.  Whenever my wife and I got a chunk of money, we bought gold and silver eagles and always took physical possession of them.  When our respective parents died, we took all of our inheritance money and bought gold and silver eagles.  So we are 100 % in gold and silver, and keep only enough money in our checking account to pay our usual monthly bills.  We also keep some survival cash stashed in a hiding place in our house in case the bank doesn’t reopen on a Monday morning, which is sure to come someday.  Additionally, we have a bag of “junk” silver, pre-1964 dimes, to use for cash when “cash” will be gone.  (A silver dime will probably buy a tank of gasoline when this happens.)  Our gold and silver eagles are hidden away securely in a secret, but easily accessible place.

The dollar is dead.  All it has to do is fall over and then everyone will recognize its demise.  We are ruled by a bunch of elites.  We have two militaries, the Pentagon branch, and the “Langley-based” (let the reader interpret), mercenary branch that is behind all the trouble in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and other places.  The only reason the dead dollar hasn’t fallen over yet is the wars we fight to keep the cadaver-dollar standing upright.  But topple, it will, and the eastern powers of china and Russia are poised to set up a new world trade system based on “gold trade notes.”  Russian and china lie about how much gold they have.  The estimates of what they really have is about 30,000 tons each.  The new currency will be gold and silver backed.  The platform for this new trade system backed by gold and silver is coming relatively soon.  The USA will become a third-world country with Zimbabwe currency.  Fort Knox has been empty since the Clinton-Ruben administration emptied it to pay, what were then, the bills.  Now there is nothing real left to use, so we print.  It will be a dangerous mess in the USA for quite some time after the “currency reset.”  There will be massive supply interruptions and shortages of everything from food to gasoline.  In Europe, one way or another, their fiat Euro will also fall, if not through a “Grexit,” then by some other fast-approaching event.  As you put it, the dollar is the cleanest dirty shirt in the world’s fiat-currency hamper right now, but that will mean nothing when the soon-to-come currency storm begins. 

When this is all over, and the dust settles, I see at a minimum of $250 silver and $5,000 gold, but we will be living in a totally new and different world.  At 74, I may not live to see it, but at least I have a chance if God grants me a few more years.

Right now, both the silver and gold price is at or near-below production costs.  Some mines are shutting down; ones under development are on hold; and exploration has, for the most part, dried up.  Therefore, the production capacity for the coming even more increased demand will not be there, and prices will spike wildly.



For more articles and commentary like this  – to explore and find some piece of mind in the space between actual price discovery and the reality of the macro-financial state of things – visit us at

During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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