No Plan B…A Continued Disconnect Between Rising Markets And Hard Facts

June 10, 2020

Please join MAM Advisor Grant Williams and Egon von Greyerz, in the first MAMinar.

Egon and Grant address global market risks, the now total disconnect between the recent price rise of risk assets and the current collapse in economic and social signals. They obviously also cover the role of gold as a historically consistent solution to both inevitable market volatility and the declining purchasing power of fiat currencies around the globe.

Egon touches upon the staggering rise in global debt from approximately $80 trillion at the turn of the century to over $260 trillion today, asking the blunt question: How long can this last? As Grant expounds, foretelling the spread between the “inevitable and the imminent” is less important than accepting (and preparing for) the obvious, namely gold as one the sole remaining assets which has held, and will continue to hold, its relative value through time. Price, in short, is not the primary driver of gold investing, protecting purchasing power is.

Egon and Grant also discuss topics of interest-rate levels, a “debt jubilee,” irrational stock valuations, the now abstractly massive derivatives market, and the implications these themes pose.

Finally, they deliberate if the Fed and other Central Banks have a Plan B.

P.S. For technical reasons Ronni Stoeferle could not join the discussion but he will be back soon.

Egon von Greyerz

Founder and Managing Partner

Matterhorn Asset Management

Zurich, Switzerland

Phone: +41 44 213 62 45

Matterhorn Asset Management’s global client base strategically stores an important part of their wealth in Switzerland in physical gold and silver outside the banking system. Matterhorn Asset Management is pleased to deliver a unique and exceptional service to our highly esteemed wealth preservation clientele in over 70 countries.

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