The Perfect Crime and the Plight of the Modern Silverite

July 14, 2014

Silver is not just any old commodity. It is old money. Despite massive efforts and price fixing, clipping and manipulation, it has remained central to monetary and political systems for centuries. Today it is small and relatively dark in the context of modern investing.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And the desperation to buy and hold metal should simply be proportional to the desperation of the will of the monetary powers to maintain the status quo.

Here's a quote from ZeroHedge that sums up the demise of fiat:

"As a retiree, you have seen your purchasing power stolen by Fed policies. Whether you invested in fixed income or equities, you lost ground. Anyone in that position has seen their lives become poorer despite a lifetime of successful work and careful financial planning.

For those still working, most are losing purchasing power each year. Wages are not keeping up with inflation, even the understated numbers reported by government. In short, the decline of a once-great economic power is well underway. The country is no longer growing enough to raise everyone’s standard of living.

Government has killed the golden goose and, in an attempt to hide the obvious, is debauching the dollars. Government tries to hide their own failure with phony statistics and a welfare state designed to placate the masses. Bread and circuses are deceptions - not progress.

This charade will not work! It is merely a futile attempt to prolong the Ponzi scheme for a little longer. While the process continues, the parasites that plunder the productive ready expand in numbers. The productive either give up or remove their capital from the country. Those who stay build compounds with the walls around them to protect against the soon-to-become enraged masses. Bread and circuses precede poverty. They don’t continue through it."

From the exalted halls of modern finance, it has become a game of chasing yield. Those with the deepest pockets and strategically are positioned win.

And the masses get caught up in the race, cheered on by analysts portrayed by actors in a scripted side show.

Every market is rigged by virtue of the broken currencies in which they are priced.

Silver is rigged - only more; more overtly ever day. Whether it goes up and down, those who are best positioned win.

Everyone else loses when it is nearly impossible for even those who know better to measure wealth outside of the dollar system.

Often, the absurdity infiltrates technical bulls who worship the painted tape and dream of resistance lines, moving averages, and overbought.

The modern silver investor must be content with a world gone wild with information, yet a lack of understanding.

The modern "Silverite" does not wish for imposition. And standard imposed by the will of the few is doomed to failure. The political system, in its current state, would never tolerate a William Jennings Bryan.

No political movement (ill-conceived or other) will move the cause forward.

Legal tender, fiat based systems, come and go with great pomp and dire circumstance. Standing amidst the rush of lemmings is no simple feat. While low silver prices may be an opportunity of a lifetime today, the greater ignorance of the unwashed will make the gift that keeps on giving.


For more articles like this, including thoughtful precious metals analysis beyond the mainstream propaganda and basically everything you need to know about silver, short of outlandish fiat price predictions, check out

The Fourth Coinage Act of 1873 embraced the gold standard and demonetized silver, known as the “Crime of 73”

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