Chris Ciovacco

Articles by Chris Ciovacco

Improving Your Perspective On MarketsWe all want:To become better investors.To improve our ability to probabilistically forecast future market outcomes.To reduce daily investment stress.To sleep better at night.If any of the points above...
Positive Message For ManufacturingStock prices have a high correlation to economic activity and earnings. History tells us bear markets are often kicked-off by recessions. The head of one of the nation’s closely watched manufacturing...
News Flow Was LightGiven financial markets have an almost infinite number of moving parts, it can be difficult to pin down why investor tone changes from one day to the next. Monday’s big gains came on a slow news day. From The Wall...
What Is A Bond Market Vigilante?Before we can move on to a hypothetical example of a difficult period for stock-and-bond-only portfolios, it is important to understand the concept of bond market vigilantes. According to the The...
Mixed Picture Calls For Diversification And FlexibilityThe S&P 500 closed at 1,848 on December 31, 2013. Fast forward 125 days and not much has changed. The S&P 500 was projected to open at 1,873 Monday morning. The number of...
Jobs Report Means Stronger Growth, Right?The economic bulls got a blowout number from Friday’s nonfarm payrolls report. From Reuters:U.S. job growth increased at its fastest pace in more than two years in April, suggesting a sharp...
Friday PrimerGiven the market expected the Fed to taper again this week, Friday brings the most important economic event of the week; the monthly employment report. The Bloomberg consensus forecast calls for a gain of 215,000 jobs, with a...
Geopolitical events tend to involve a high degree of uncertainty. A geopolitical event involving Vladimir Putin involves a massive degree of uncertainty. Russia/Ukraine developments Monday contributed to a volatile session on Wall Street....
Mergers & Acquisitions Have Weakened Balance SheetsOne of the many tenets on Wall Street is that debt investors are often a step or two ahead of stock investors when it comes to identifying slowing economic growth. From a common sense...
Apple: The Good NewsApple, one of the darlings of the current bull market, delivered on the earnings, share repurchase, and split fronts after the close Wednesday. From CNN:Apple said it will increase its share repurchase program to $...


Man has had the ability to separate silver from lead for as far back as 4000 B.C.

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