Rick Ackerman

Articles by Rick Ackerman

This flying porker begs to be shorted, but we’ll need to be careful about how we do it, since it has the teeth and disposition of a great white shark. This is true for technical reasons as well, since the current, short-squeeze rally is...
Hard times have once again befallen Deutsche Bank, which played a key role in blowing the global mortgage bubble that popped eight years ago.  On Wednesday, the bank announced a $7 billion loss for Q3 and a dividend cut, sending...
The stock market went nuts yesterday when the Fed did what anyone with an IQ higher than 70 should have easily foreseen — i.e., nothing. For the benefit of those on the wrong side of the trade, and for the umpteenth time in four years, I...
The Dow was down 550 points at Tuesday’s lows, but it looks like it has even farther to fall. One needn’t be a chartist to ‘feel’ the weight of the downtrend in the accompanying chart.  It implies the Indoos are about to plunge to at...
Asian stocks are getting trounced again, making it far more difficult for DaBoyz to manipulate US markets in the way they’d like. The E-mini S&Ps have been down the equivalent of 300 Dow points thus far, but it’s not clear whether...
We warned you that the bear would assume any guise necessary to mask his goal of savaging the multitude of investors as a possible bear market unfolds. An lo, along comes a story blithely helpful to this purpose in the Wall Street Journal...
After yesterday’s selloff, we might benefit from pondering market psychology right now. Even if we get it wrong, merely knowing by how much could be of use later. My take in recent months has been that short-covering constitutes the only...
It’s always refreshing to see the stock market get the crap kicked out of it, even if it will take a 10,000-point fall in the Dow to cast out the thieves, thimble-riggers, broad-tossers, carny men, grifters, mountebanks and child molesters...
Mr. Market has been making it extremely painful for bears to stay short. The reason for this is that nearly everyone we know is bearish right now; and, for the first time in more than six years, it would appear that they are finally going...
A front-page story in the Wall Street Journal over the weekend reads like spin control as managed by the Federal Reserve: Crises Fall Short Of Going Global‘. This orchestrated sigh of relief reminds one of the scene from Dr. Strangelove...


During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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