
Articles by SRSrocco

As investors’ bullish sentiment moves up to euphoric levels, the markets are reaching extreme leverage.  This is terrible news because a lot of people are going to lose one heck of a lot of money.  According to CNN Money’s Fear...
The oil market price is setting up for one heck of a fall.  Now, could this large oil correction cause the next stock market crash?  Time will tell.  However, the indicators in the oil market are showing the largest net...
Some nasty dark clouds are forming on the financial horizon as total world debt is increasing nearly three times as fast as total global wealth.   But, that’s okay because no one cares about the debt, only the assets matter...
Enjoy the good times while you can because when the economy BLOWS UP this next time, there is no plan B.  Sure, we could see massive monetary printing by Central Banks to continue the madness a bit longer after the market crashes, but...
While silver investors continue to be discouraged about the low price, the market has experienced a fundamental change that needs to be understood.  Ever since governments removed silver from official coinage, over 50 years ago, the...
The Bitcoin Crash has finally taken place as the king of cryptocurrencies plunged a staggering 45% from its record high in just five days.  On December 17th, Bitcoin reached a peak of $19,800 but fell to a low of 10,887 in early...
The rate at which global silver production increased over the past century is quite astonishing.  When Columbus arrived in America (1492), the world was only producing 7 million oz of silver a year.  Today, the world’s largest...
The U.S. economy continues towards an epic crisis while the overwhelming majority of analysts are completely in the dark.  Even though some alternative media analysts understand that our highly leveraged fiat monetary system and...
There is a Disinformation War taking place in the silver market as certain industry analysis is confusing individuals by purposely disregarding the tremendous impact of rising investment demand.  Not only do I find this troubling, but...
There is a new trend by individuals in the alternative media community who are now selling out of precious metals and buying into Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.  While this may seem like a good idea, especially when Bitcoin...


Man has had the ability to separate silver from lead for as far back as 4000 B.C.

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