Wall Street Silver

Articles by Wall Street Silver

Joe Brown from Heresy Financial joins us to discuss his recent Silver related video about this subject, plus other issues happening with the Fed and the economy.********
 Andy Schectman joins us to describe what he is dealing with on the silver and gold wholesale market.

David Morgan joins us to discuss the 2021 yearend review and his outlook for 2022.********
Doomberg joins us to discuss China dominating critical strategic metals.

Magnesium is critical to the production of Aluminum.

How does this affect manufacturing every where.

How does this affect the future of the silver market...
Bank bail-ins are becoming more and more of a hot topic.

With changes in the laws, banks in the USA will have the ability to "bail-in" your money during a financial crisis.

The same thing happened in the European Union back in 2013...
Fed Will Never Raise Rates, It Would All ‘Collapse’ – E.B. Tucker, author of 'Why Gold, Why Now'.

Silver Warning: This Is About To Happen To Gold & Silver - Steve Penny********
Rick Rule (Part 2) explains why Silver supply is declining and it is likely unavoidable due to lack of investment in new copper mines and other base metals.

In addition, political issues in Peru and elsewhere are making new investment...
The Fed is at a crossroads.They can either let the US Dollar collapse or they can fight inflation.At some point, something is going to break in the current situation.James Turk, founder of GoldMoney.com******** 
Gold has reach Michael Oliver's target of $1,835 for a quarterly momentum breakout.

Is Silver on the verge of following?

We update from his last video 3 weeks ago, and review the latest Gold and Silver charts.



Silver has 47 protons and 61 neutrons

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