Bear's Lair

Bear Markets always follow Bull markets and a severe stock market correction is long overdue. Bears Lair will spot, monitor and analyze the stock market correction as it develops.


Not long ago I allowed a couple of past Moneychanger articles to be published on GOLD-EAGLE.

The annual Silver Surveys, sponsored by the Silver Institute, have shown a sizable supply-demand deficit for almost a decade. Yet silver has basically traded sideways for the last seven years, resulting in much confusion.

Following the "official" silver statistics published in the Silver Institute's annual World Silver Survey will make a philosopher out of you.

This is an urgent message to all management and shareholders of any mining company that produces silver, either as a principal product or as a by-product from mining gold, copper, lead or zinc.

The following letter to the Chairman and President of the New York Mercantile Exchange is self-explanatory. While I did not get a response, I did not expect one.

Gold miners are livid and have asked the BofE to disclose details of its recent gold market operations, in the light of complaints of market manipulation by central banks.

Southern Era just discovered what it's like to get worked over by elitists, namely De Beers. Southern Era has a high grade diamond-rich kimberlite pipe, with a two year life.

Persistent rumors have been coming out of London for three weeks that G-7 bankers have been bailing out hedge funds to the tune of $25 billion and at the same time making a coordinated effort to drive down the price of gold, so tha

The stocks of North American silver companies, almost across the board, are in a very bullish position as we head into spring.

Don't worry, this is not your typical Y2K piece. I haven't decided to suddenly start writing about that problem, although, thanks to the Internet, I have been reading about it extensively.


Why did Warren Buffett buy 3,800 tons of silver? Perhaps one of the longest-running downtrends in investing has reversed course.

For approximately 15 years now, except for short term blips, Gold and Silver have seen rather boring sideways market action.

Early this month this analyst presented the study, "GOLD'S VALUE IN ASIAN CURRENCIES" - which is an integral part of a series started over one year ago at the Kitco Gold Forum.

When average people think of "astrologers," they often conjure the same suspicious notions they do when they think of "gold miners." Just as they picture a grizzled prospector with pick and shovel chipping at some outcr

I thought you might be interested in reading my interview in the May 1997 issue of Moneychanger and the June 1997 issue of Universal Coin & Bullion Investor's Profit Advisory.

Most goldbugs are convinced that the day of come-uppance for paper currency will emerge, as it does periodically, and that gold will shine as the true money once again.


Man has had the ability to separate silver from lead for as far back as 4000 B.C.

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