(Nov 26) At this time of the year when most of us have a great deal to be thankful for, please let us all say a small prayer for those who have not been so fortunate.
Allow me also to repeat a few little-known details about the Pilgrims who first came to the New World to found our great country. The history books have it right, for a change, in describing the Pilgrim's first harvest in 1620 as being very meager, followed by a miserable winter. It's also true that help from nearby Native Americans made for a better harvest in 1621, which led the Pilgrims to celebrate that first Thanksgiving Feast we all learned about as children AND STILL CELEBRATE TODAY.
Yet here's the little-known part of the story: The harvest in 1622 was another failure, to the point that the remaining Pilgrims faced starvation. Why? Because during their first three years, these Pilgrims practiced "farming in common." Or better known as “Socialism”. They were idealist and believed in equality. Each according to his need not according to his deed. The farmland belonged to the colony, and so did all the food; Portions were rationed out, “each according to their need.”
Things got so bad, that in the spring of 1623 the Pilgrims made a drastic change. They allocated individual plots of land to each of the families and members of the colony to own outright. In turn the owners were then individually responsible for their property and for what it reaped. Hopefully you know or can guess the outcome of their experiment in private property, private ownership and individual responsibility, also known as Capitalism. The harvest in 1623 was abundantly plentiful and that was the actual year when the Pilgrims themselves set aside a day of Thanksgiving to God. In a few short years the colony became very prosperous and produced in great abundance; way beyond their own needs, and were thus equipped and in position to begin trading the surplus. They considered it to be miraculous. With the benefit of hindsight, what they had discovered was the miraculous benefits of private ownership and free markets. They were without realizing it following God’s way.
This is the one time during the year when we should reflect on God’s greatest gift to mankind and that is free choice, FREEDOM is the only thing that creates wealth for the common man and it’s only through FREE MARKET principles can we solve our most pressing problems. At this time of the year, perhaps we might also reflect on God’s Covenant with Abraham whereby we were given the obligation of spreading GODS WORD through out the world of, Individual Freedom Individual Responsibility and Individual charity. SPREADING FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY
In the middle of the Civil War, prompted by a series of editorials written by Sarah Josepha Hale, the last of which appeared in the September 1863 issue of Godey's Lady's Book, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day, to be celebrated on the final Thursday in November 1863.