Gold at Rs 48,710 and Silver at Rs 679 After Slight Change in Prices

December 19, 2020

Mumbai-India (Dec 19)  Today, 22-carat gold can be purchased at Rs 48,710 per 10 grams and if you would like to buy the same quantity of 24-carat gold, then it is available for Rs 49,710.

There is a small change in the price of gold today on December 19. The price has increased by Rs 10 per 10 grams for both the qualities of the precious yellow metal.

Today, 22-carat gold can be purchased at Rs 48,710 per 10 grams and if you would like to buy the same quantity of 24-carat gold, then it is available for Rs 49,710.

These prices are collected by Good Returns from India's reputed jewellers.

Most major cities of the country, including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai are following the national trend. The price of 22-carat gold in Mumbai is Rs 48,710 per 10 grams, while the same quantity of 24-carat gold can be bought for Rs 49,710 after an increase of Rs 10 in the price of both the qualities of gold.

In Chennai, 10 grams of 22-carat gold is priced at Rs 47,210. If you want to purchase 10 grams of 24-carat gold in the city, then Rs 51,510 is required. In the Indian capital Delhi, the price of the metal had previously increased by a few hundred rupees. However, today it has increased by Rs 10 for 10 grams of 22-carat gold and now stands at Rs 48,960. There has been no change in the price of 24-carat gold, which costs Rs 53,400 in Delhi.Investors in Kolkata can buy 22-carat gold for Rs 49,170 and 24-carat gold for Rs 51,870. Both the prices are for 10 grams of gold.

Internationally, the gold spot price per ounce has dropped by USD 4.90 and now stands at USD 1,881.00. However, its performance in the last 30 days has improved by USD 9.50 with a change of 0.51 percent.

The rate of silver increased by Rs 2 per 10 grams. It can be purchased for Rs 679. In most major cities, one kilogram of silver is available at Rs 67,900, however, in Chennai, the metal costs Rs 71,500 per kilogram.


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