How Should You Trade Silver With All The 'Manipulation'?
LONDON (Sept 30) Week after week I see more and more posters in the comments section to my articles lament about how the "manipulators" in the metals market cheat them out of their hard earned money. Everyone seems so convinced that the markets are moving against their expectations because of some invisible hand controlling the market.
So, when silver "took off" after the Fed announced that there would be no "taper," every bull began to wet themselves with thoughts of silver heading to the moon and "acting like it should." But, silver stopped dead in its tracks exactly where our Elliott Wave analysis and Fibonacci Pinball calculated it would even before it began that rally. And, once again, the bulls cried "foul," and looked to blame those damn manipulators.
In the past, I have cautioned Seeking Alpha readers about playing the blame game:
I sincerely hope that everyone who reads my articles has learned to ignore those who scream "manipulation" from the mountain tops. I sincerely hope that everyone finally recognizes that it is simply an excuse for being on the wrong side of the market. Spending any time on such theories does not increase your ability to successfully trade or invest in this market by even one iota. Rather, it is a waste of time and simply an excuse that people use to make themselves feel better when the market declines when they expect it to rise.
And, I sincerely hope that everyone understands that, even if there is some manipulation in the market, it still works within the overall sentiment framework that can be analyzed through the rigorous use of Elliott Wave analysis. In fact, this has been the only type of analysis that I have seen over the last year and a half that has consistently identified the direction and targets within the metals market.
So, come on over to the "dark side," and join me and my "bankster-friends" in making some money.
"If you only knew the POWER of the dark side." Darth Vader.
(Source: Avi Gilburt)