Dow Index Soars, Doctors Of Doom Wrong, What’s Next?

November 9, 2015

We prepared our subscribers for the market pullback; crash if you believe the naysayers, well in advance of the event.  While they chanted from the top of their lungs that the end of was close at hand, we broadcasted an opposing message. We welcomed this carnage phase and recognized for what it truly was; opportunity is knocking in disguise and refused to fall for this silly ploy.  The same monotonous theme has been repeated decade after decade with the same miserable consequence, one that is bound to bring you one step closer to the dog house.

We will post excerpts from the July update that will have you grinning from cheek to cheek.  Then we will list the articles we published to refute this nonsense that the world was going to end.

All the Chimps are hopping from branch to branch, chattering on the top of their lungs, screaming bloody murder and doing their level best to incite others to join Club Fear, for misery simply adores company.   Ti's music to our ears when we hear such sounds, and it should be music to your ears too, for it tells you that the opportunity is close at hand and not disaster. Disaster viewed through the correct lens is nothing but opportunity waiting to plant a kiss on your cheek.  Before we carry on, we hope you have broken out that bottle of booze and are singing kumbaya as the naysayers chant death to the markets. Fear is nothing but a bad old bogeyman with no trousers and huge belly.   Remember what we stated in the last update and the update before that; to refresh your memory, we will highlight a small portion of what was stated in the last update

The drug pushers in the media are giving the news junkies their daily fix; they are catering to the twaddle scenario that the world will end. Step back and reflect on how lucky you are that individuals of such calibre exist; ones that seem to feed and thrive on this rubbish. Every time you run into an idiot be grateful for it’s those idiots who make your life infinitely easier. Most do not see this part of the equation or story; they focus on the false premise that idiots make their lives harder, when, in fact, the opposite is true.

Look at the bright side; you get to do something you have never done before. Drink while everyone is screaming bloody murder and sing when the markets are sinking.  Who knows you might be a budding singer in the makings. Yes, most will call you insane, but instead of being stricken with fear, you will now be the master of your destiny instead of a slave to another’s.  Drink and be merry for the markets are letting out some well-deserved steam.  In the case of China, it’s letting out more steam because it shot up like a bandit being chased by the hounds of hell.   We see no reason to worry and no reason not to sleep well at night. Interim Market Update July 9, 2015

From August onwards the spin masters went ballistic, and the number of negative articles skyrocketed.    During all this negativity, we published several articles on our delayed basis.  The first one of which was titled the Dow is set to soar, which was published on Oct 21, two weeks after our subscribers read it. The Dow is getting ready to soar

One quick question: what happened?  If the outlook was negative than the markets should have crashed right, but instead we find they are a stone’s throw from testing their highs

As the Doctors of Doom chanted louder, we published even more articles opposing their rubbish

 It’s Not Time To Sell The German DAX Oct 22, 2015

On Oct, 27,   Stocks And Bonds Will Not Crash Soon  

And our most recent one on Nov 2, 2015, titled   Death Cross Is Not A Bearish Signal For The Stock Market

Now have any of them come out and admitted to being wrong “nope none of them has and none of them will”. It's the name of the game; fear sells so they will continue to push this mumbo jumbo out every time the market pulls back.  They will wrongly label a correction as a market crash, instead of calling it a monumental opportunity. This droning outpour will serve to condition the masses. Like Pavlov's dogs that salivated on hearing the tones of the bell, they will stampede for the exits upon hearing the ravings of these lunatics, who falsely masquerade as prophets of knowledge.

Instead of realising that disaster is nothing but opportunity knocking in disguise, the masses like the spin doctors fall for the same ploy over and over again.  They stampede with the crowd. Markets climb a wall of worry and plunge down an abyss of joy.

So what’s in store for the Dow Index?

At present, the markets are overbought and overdue for a pullback.  Once they start to pullback, the naysayers will crawl out of the woodwork and start strumming out the same old tunes. Break from the Pavlovian grip and do the opposite. Ignore them and dance to your beat.  It’s your money, and it’s about time you took charge. Listen to those who masquerade as prophets of wisdom at your risk.     At the Tactical Investor, one of our favourite sayings is” Take control of your life or be controlled by another.

The trend indicator (our master tool) which is a combination of mass psychology and technical analysis is clearly stating that a crash is not in the works; another strong pullback is a distinct possibility, but view it as a buying opportunity and not a signal to mindlessly for the exits.

Mass psychology dictates that one should oppose the crowd only when they are in a Euphoric or panic stage.  The crowd has not turned Euphoric yet, but they have panicked many times during this bull market, which so far is probably one of the most hated bull markets in history.


Courtesy of Tactical Investor, where mass psychology and technical analysis converge seamlessly

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