When The Contract Has No Clothes

February 23, 2015

Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours

Like a fool I went and stayed too long

Now I’m wondering if your love’s still strong

Oo baby, here I am,

Signed, sealed delivered, I’m yours

Then that time I went and said goodbye

Now I’m back and not ashamed to cry

Oo baby, here I am,

Signed, sealed delivered, I’m yours

Stevie Wonder wrote the song I quoted in a simpler time – a time when a contract was still a serious formal course of business. Those days are long gone.

My friend and fellow subscriber sent me the following question worth developing here.

Question: “Any solution to blatant naked short selling which has destroyed capitalism and free markets? The concept of naked short selling is insane.  How can one sell legally, or in a common sense way, something he does not own?

It seems to me as long as the blatant fraud of naked short selling is allowed by the “regulators” in U.S. markets, then markets will continue to be manipulated to protect the unstable, unbacked fiat Ponzi monetary system, the short term trading goals of the government and the collusive big banks.  Sadly, it seems that simple.

Do you see any hope for enough people (or countries) to understand that our markets are now totally corrupt and act to help restore fair, honest, and free markets?  Or is the ever expanding corruption likely to continue until the markets become so fraudulent, and so out of whack, that they just implode on their own?   Please explain.”

Let’s start with this from Wikipedia:

In 2008, the SEC banned what it called “abusive naked short selling” in the United States, as well as some other jurisdictions, as a method of driving down share prices. Failing to deliver shares is legal under certain circumstances, and naked short selling is not per se illegal. In the United States, naked short selling is covered by various SEC regulations which prohibit the practice.”

…And technically, it’s also legal to intervene in the gold market.

And of course, the big concentrated short side of the silver futures market is perfectly hedged. Not even close. Even if that position was hedged somehow, it would little sense for any for-profit entity to use a volatile market like silver as a hedge for anything!

But hedging is not an excuse. The law was designed to prevent any one or a few entities from controlling a position large enough to influence price – regardless of a hedge.

Naked short selling is just one more link in a daisy-chain that extends all the way from a currency backed by debt, layered by rehypothication (the pledging of the same collateral over and over) and/or the use of margin (more debt) across the entire range of finance.

Of course, sentiment is still entrenched in the ‘everything is fine” realm.

This widely held viewpoint is blind to the reality of real negative GDP growth, upwards of 20% unemployment, continued inflation on what people need, insane lending practices for academic and auto loans, and near hyperinflationary health care costs. Not to mention 20 million people who need direct food assistance.

Most people chose not see that, and therefore it’s doubtful many will wake up in time to reverse course. The tragedy is that there are plenty who know enough -enough to end it if they could only get over their guilt from being a part of its perpetuation.

And so it goes on until the day it ends with ‘no one saw it coming’.

Whether the implosion is triggered by the ever increasing density of the unsustainable silver short or it begins elsewhere, where it could manifest in any number of realms from frozen debt market liquidity to derivative ‘surprises’.

When that day comes, the entire concept of the contract will come home to roost. And many will wish for the day where signed sealed and delivered had meaning.

Chris responded:

“I fear you are right and this is why the war drums are getting louder every day, and the apparent onrush of commentary referencing healthy and robust recovery—to prepare the sheeple to accept that the coming implosion was caused by “necessary” acts of war.”

Chris always includes this in his signature file – so I will do the same.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization it expects what never was and never will be”.


For more articles like this, including thoughtful precious metals analysis beyond the mainstream propaganda and basically everything you need to know about silver, short of outlandish fiat price predictions, check out http://www.silver-coin-investor.com

Silver has 47 protons and 61 neutrons

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