Gold more of a safe bet than cryptocurrencies

June 28, 2017

London (June 28)  Gold is probably a safer haven than cryptocurrencies, said Phil Flynn, senior market analyst with Price Futures Group.

 In a recent special report, he cited strong demand this year for cryptocurrencies but also points out some of their vulnerabilities, such as cyber attacks.

 While the world looks to a new world currency for a safe haven, buying gold may be seriously undervalued -- because in the event we do have a significant market setback or a crisis, the inability to quickly exchange cryptocurrencies may still make gold more of a safe bet, Flynn added.

 At the very least, in the event of a financial scare, gold should track Bitcoin and at a minimum act like silver has traditionally towards gold from a risk standpoint. While Bitcoin has risen above $3,000 and gold has struggled around $1,300, the faith in Bitcoin as a currency of last resort might be worrisome.

Source: ScrapRegister

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