Crisis Investing In Stocks

March 21, 2020

The word “crisis” in Chinese is danger/opportunity.

Ancient Chinese wisdom has taught us that when there is danger, there is opportunity.





Current market condition has wreaked havoc in all sectors, stocks, ETFs, currencies, and bonds. And the carnage may not be over as past major corrections in 2000 and again in 2008 were at 50 to 60%, and took more than a few months to complete. Currently, our benchmark SP500 is down 30%.

We cannot predict, but we can prepare, for the next major buying opportunity which has occurred three times every 10 to 15 years within my investing lifetime.

BRK.B – a must own at 50% discount.

A major correction should see prices between $110 to $120.

A major correction will see this Dow ETF at $140 - $150.

SPY – a major correction will see our benchmark ETF at $160 - $170.

QQQ – a major correction will see this tech ETF at $90 - $110.


We don’t know when the current crisis will be over, and when prices will reach previous major corrections of 50% to 60%. But when they do, be preapred to buy and hold for the long term.

Personally, I plan to allocate 50% of my capital when these downside price targets are reached: 20% to BRK.B, and 10% each to DIA, SPY, and QQQ.

I will allocate another 50% when VIX turns down on the monthly chart and become fully invested for the next bull market:

Be prepared for a generational buying opportunity.

There will be plenty of fear.

Remember: danger = opportunity


We do not offer predictions or forecasts for the markets. What you see here is our simple trading model which provides us the signals and set ups to be either long, short, or in cash at any given time. Entry points and stops are provided in real time to subscribers, therefore, this update may not reflect our current positions in the markets. Trade at your own discretion.

We also provide coverage to the major indexes and oil sector.

During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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