Silver Premiums High as Physical Drain Continues

October 13, 2022

Even as the COMEX paper silver price languishes below $20, the physical silver market continues to tell a different story.

Premiums are high, and metals are coming off the exchanges. Which paints a different picture than what most are seeing in the spot price. And in today's call, I'm joined by Rafi Farber of The End Game Investor who shares what he's seeing in the silver market, and how the different market segments are responding.

Rafi talks about the premiums, the demand, how silver might actually be used in an environment where currencies are rapidly losing their value, and the role that the bullion dealers might naturally revert to. He also talks about the drop in open interest in the COMEX contracts, as well as the latest developments from the Federal Reserve.

So to find out more about the latest developments in the silver and financial markets, click to watch this video now!

Arcadia Economics


Silver has the highest electrical conductivity and heat of all metals.

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