Rick Ackerman

Articles by Rick Ackerman

The technological wizardry that has given us smart phones, desktop computers, electric cars and flat-screen TVs has masked a pernicious decline in America’s standard of living since the 1950s. One area where this is painfully obvious...
I've avoided the pandemic, politics and economic doomsday as topics recently because there's only so much one can say about them. This is especially true of the coming bear market.  Coming exactly when, you might ask? Of...
No one said it would be easy to get short at the top. This bull market is proving especially challenging to fade because the herd knows how grotesquely overvalued stocks are. With so many traders eager to bet the 'don't' line, the broad...
The global credit-blowout has stoked fears of a money-printing catastrophe like the one that wrecked Germany's economy a hundred years ago, planting the seeds of World War II.  However, even a cursory look at the Weimar hyperinflation...
A little more than two decades ago, amidst the wild excesses of the dot-com boom, I wrote what turned out to be an epitaph for those heady times in the The San Francisco Examiner. It bore the headline Monsters from the Id...
Although no one can predict when the dam will break, plunging the economy into hard times to rival the 1930s, we can be quite certain that a day of reckoning is drawing near. Speculative mania across a wide swath of assets is at a...
Even with Covid-19 fear-mongering ratcheted to-the-max, the stock market continues to defy gravity and common sense. A Dr. Andre Campbell warned over the weekend that "we could be facing an apocalypse by Christmas" due to the growing...
The stock market is under heavy distribution, and for good reason: Even if the vaccines we've been reading about lately are as effective as claimed, they will be too late to prevent tens of thousands of U.S. business from going under....
I was prepared to lead this week's commentary with an emphatically bullish prediction for the dollar, which seems to have few friends these days. Alas, even though a major tone change is coming, it will be at least a few more weeks if...
I've referred to pandemic stimulus as 'dead money', and the latest statistics would seem to bear me out.  Far from pumping up the consumer economy,  quite a few of the trillions of digital dollars ginned up by the central bank...


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