Michael Noonan


Michael Noonan, of Edgetraderplus, is a chart analyst with 30 years experience in the futures markets.  His focus is entirely on reading developing market activity in the form of price and volume, to better understand what the markets are saying coming from what is the best source of all information: the market itself. His website is http://edgetraderplus.com.

Articles by Michael Noonan

Usually we have a commentary of some kind as a back story to what is going on in the PMs.   Our commentaries have become fewer and farther between because of the absurdity of government control, which in turn is controlled by the...
The single most question many people ask or want to know is where will silver be in a week or month and when?  We gave up asking that question over three years ago after realizing that 2014's movement in silver would not be much...
More reasons why owning gold and silver should be at the top of everyone’s financial survival list, current elite-abused [abandoned] supply/demand considerations aside not being a part of the reasons where reason is utterly absent.  ...
The trend for silver remains down for now. However, there is something going on within this market that does not confirm a change in trend…but “appears” to be indicting a one.  It has been acknowledged that the fundamentals for both...
When we started out in this business, one of the first saws of trading we learned was: Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered.  That simple admonition is coming full circle as the stock market has been muscled to all...
Who are the bankers?  There are those known, doing a lot of dirty work, and there are those unknown, operating totally behind the scenes controlling everything, doing even dirtier work.  What does that mean, controlling...
There can be one reason only for putting your money into the stock market… and that is to earn a return ON capital.   Back in 2008-2009, many were faced with what would be their return OF capital once the market decline came to...
There have been no articles here on the stock market since last February, Fat Lady Has Yet To Sing.  Some Questions About YOUR Stocks?  A half-year later, there has still been no singing, but the...
The opposite sentiment of “gold fever” has been apparent in the stock market, of late, with so many calls for a top and/or a crash.  Gold has not rallied to higher levels called for, and the stock market has not fallen...
We are of the simple opinion that any substitute for the real thing is never as good a choice as the original, even when it comes to Precious Metals.  There are so many other considerations that enter the picture when...


Peru became the world’s largest producer of silver in 2012.

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