Jeffrey Lewis

Articles by Jeffrey Lewis

Excepting short term price performance, physical silver is often referred to as either the ‘good news metal’ or the ‘bad news metal’. 

It’s the ‘bad news’ metal because, like gold, in times of a currency crisis it behaves more like...
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke has come out of the closet with a publicity campaign aimed at defending his policy and, by proxy, the entire central banking complex diaspora. No doubt he will temporarily succeed in the...
My kids just exited the stage where they still believe pretty much whatever I say. We had a decent track record for a while. It seems like just a moment ago when my son actually believed that I could fly.

Belief can be constructive,...
Western, especially U.S., equities have become the leading sentiment indicator for the masses. And while the masses are not necessarily participating, a closer look at this false dawn reveals that the rise of equity buying panic may...
One of the biggest news stories, almost too perfect not to be timed, was released on a day when markets closed early: Good Friday.

Conveniently not factored into major world markets was last week’s horrible jobs report.

From the...
It is becoming harder and harder to ignore the fact that central banking policy isn’t exactly working out for the real economy.  More wealth has been funneled toward an increasingly small and concentrated pool of unproductive paper...
The top two questions people ask me when they learn that I’m a northern California surfer, are

1) whether I’m afraid of sharks or, 2) isn’t the water cold? The answer is yes to both.

Of course I’m afraid of natural born killers...
War delivers us from this state of limbo, toward the rebirth of sound money and economics. Sadly, war may be the ultimate distraction that finally breaks the political landscape wide open and shatters these broken institutions and power...
Physical silver held in personal possession is a cheap option; an option being simply a choice. The best choices have a very low downside —and infinite upside. Options and optionality are not exclusive to financial markets.

Reserve currency or no, hyperinflation is a process. And we are fully entrenched in that process. History defines the parameters for us. 

Too much debt, too much money created from nothing. And ultimately, the loss of confidence,...


Silver has 47 protons and 61 neutrons

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