Robert Chapman

Articles by Robert Chapman

Gold miners are livid and have asked the BofE to disclose details of its recent gold market operations, in the light of complaints of market manipulation by central banks. Peter Hambro, President of Mines & 'Or de Salsigne, Chris von...
Southern Era just discovered what it's like to get worked over by elitists, namely De Beers. Southern Era has a high grade diamond-rich kimberlite pipe, with a two year life. The company was muscled out of a majority of its stake in one of...
Persistent rumors have been coming out of London for three weeks that G-7 bankers have been bailing out hedge funds to the tune of $25 billion and at the same time making a coordinated effort to drive down the price of gold, so that as...
Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead and zinc refining.

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