Mike Sheller

Articles by Mike Sheller

They say that every cloud has a silver lining. "Cloudy" might be a kinder and gentler manner in which to describe the current atmosphere for precious metals in general, and gold in particular. Nevertheless, long-term speculators in bullion...
When average people think of "astrologers," they often conjure the same suspicious notions they do when they think of "gold miners." Just as they picture a grizzled prospector with pick and shovel chipping at some outcropping on a dusty...
Most goldbugs are convinced that the day of come-uppance for paper currency will emerge, as it does periodically, and that gold will shine as the true money once again. Even if such a return of gold's dignity and majesty is short-lived, it...
Man has had the ability to separate silver from lead for as far back as 4000 B.C.

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