Morris Hubbartt

Morris Hubbartt is 50 years old - and is the creator of proprietary timing models in the Superforce Signals, Superforce 60 Trading Service. He is senior vice president, General Manager and as Co-Owner of a concrete manufacturing company since 1985. He is also sole proprietor of SFS Newsletter Services that specializes in volume analysis of the gold & silver markets. His website is at

Articles by Morris Hubbartt

Dow, TLT, Silver Key, Gold Pullback, Gold Stock Drawdowns & GDXJ Analysis via videos.

Dow Technical Deterioration Charts Analysis

TLT (T-Bond Proxy) Volume-Based Breakout Charts Analysis 

Silver Key Moving Averages Charts...
Chart Analysis Gold Fibonacci, Silver, US T-Bond, Gold Stock Trade Strategy via videos.Gold Fibonacci Arc Bull Confirmation Charts Analysis Silver Perfect Pullback Charts AnalysisUS T-Bond Monthly Charts AnalysisGold Stock Trade Strategy...
Chart analysis on Silver & Gold via videos.Silver:Gold Ratio Versus Gold ChartsSilver Intermediate & Long term Target ChartsGold Slow Stokes & Fib Line Target ChartsGold Stocks Bull Wedge & Fib Line Target Charts********...
Chart analysis on T-Bonds, GDS, GDXJ & Silver via videos.TLT (T-Bond Proxy) Rally Time ChartGold Shoulder Of Patience ChartGDX Time In The Box ChartGDXJ Bull Volume ChartSilver Volume Versus Gold Volume Ratio Chart********Unique...
Analyst Hubbart’s Video demonstrates the overtly bullish trajectory of silver.  Moreover, he sees the 3X long silver ETF with symbol USLV as an interesting short-term gamble.
US Dollar Aimless Drift Chart

•    The "go away in May" season in the stock market has arrived, and that could support the dollar if stocks weaken, as I suspect they will. 

•  ...
US Dollar Monthly Bar Failure Chart


In the past, an increase in liquidity simply meant lowering interest rates. Since 2008, it has meant quantitative easing.
The market that is most supported in this venture is...
 US Dollar Monthly Bar Failure ChartIn the past, an increase in liquidity simply meant lowering interest rates. Since 2008, it has meant quantitative easing.The market that is most supported in this venture is US treasury bonds....


The melting point for silver is 961.93 °C - 1235.08 °K

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