The way I see it, silver has basically two major categories of use. The first and most important use is as a monetary asset. It is only when used as a monetary asset that it could realize its true (or fair) value.
Currently, it is...
Hubert Moolman
Hubert Moolman is a self-taught gold and silver analyst who writes a precious metals newsletter specializing in fractal chart analysis and monetary fundamentals (especially gold and silver). He has a background as a Chartered Accountant, and managed his own firm for 9 years. He also has a website that publishes educational articles on gold, silver and the dangers of fiat money.
Articles by Hubert Moolman
Silver is currently going for a major breakout.
Here is a chart I featured months ago:
On the chart, the first phase of the silver bull market was from 1993 to the end of 2001, and the second phase is potentially from 2001 to the...
Here is a chart I featured months ago:
On the chart, the first phase of the silver bull market was from 1993 to the end of 2001, and the second phase is potentially from 2001 to the...
The current silver bottoming process is very similar to that of 2001 to 2003. It took a while for silver to establish a base which set up the bull rally in the following years to 2011.
The current bottoming has been longer, but it fits...
The current bottoming has been longer, but it fits...
A key difference between silver and gold prices is the fact that silver already bottomed in 1993, whereas gold bottomed only in 1999.
This means that from 1993 to 1999 silver was actually in an uptrend, while gold was still caught in a...
This means that from 1993 to 1999 silver was actually in an uptrend, while gold was still caught in a...
The Dow/Gold ratio is a very reliable measure for where we are on the long-term economic timetable. It allows for an accurate reading of key economic conditions that are present at a particular period of time.
With regards to silver,...
With regards to silver,...
Silver used to be a significant part of the monetary base in many countries. You could find it as part of monetary reserves together with gold, as well as coinage in circulation.
Over the years that silver was demonetized (at least from...
Over the years that silver was demonetized (at least from...
Let’s take a look at silver priced in oil (WTI Crude), the Dow and US dollars:
Above, is silver priced in oil from 1983 to now. Price has moved in a large channel before it broke out at the end of 2014. This is really significant...
Above, is silver priced in oil from 1983 to now. Price has moved in a large channel before it broke out at the end of 2014. This is really significant...
Silver is running out of time and space (see chart) to decide where it will go over the next months and years. The similarity of conditions to the early 80s suggests that silver could go into a multi-year bear market or continue its bull...
The Dow has been in a massive bull market since 2009, and it has significantly outperformed silver since at least 2011. However, there is now an indication that silver is likely to significantly outperform the Dow.
Previously, I have shown how conditions in the financial markets are very similar to that of the early 80s (circa 1983). Basically, the Dow was at a start of a long-term rally around 1983, and silver just broke down and entered a long-term...