Henry Bonner

Articles by Henry Bonner

Richard Maybury has been predicting ‘black swan’ events in his newsletter Early Warning Report for the last two decades.

In a recent conversation, he put his finger on something happening around the world. He sees a growing...
Gas prices are some of the highest in the country in San Diego, California, and it still cost me only $2.96 a gallon to fill up my tank last week.

There’s an excess of oil supplies, according to analysts. You can see from the chart...
The Brent crude oil price has fallen from $115 in June to under $58 per barrel as of December 30, 2014.1

A lower oil price is where production costs make all the difference. For a long time, analysts have suggested that US production is...
I expect a collapse in the value of currencies relative to real goods, real assets and real services. This will happen to all currencies, not just the dollar. I don’t expect a word where people lose confidence in the dollar and the euro...
Peru became the world’s largest producer of silver in 2012.

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