John Mauldin

Articles by John Mauldin

Gentle or AggressiveEnergy Assumptions“The Outlook Is Deflationary”What Is the Market Expecting?Where the Wild Risks ArePower, Bird Flu, and the SICAn old Danish proverb, later attributed to everyone from Mark Twain to Nostradamus to Yogi...
Abundant EnergyI’ve Got to Admit It’s Getting BetterHealthcare BreakthroughsWe Are Going to Live LongerI Feel the Need to TravelIn these letters, I look at the economy and tell you what I think, for better or worse. Recent missives were...
That Seventies ShowToxic BrewMisery IndexVelocity, Banks, and the DollarIncomplete Homework and Speech RecognitionBack in the good old days, recessions were simply the unpleasant part of the business cycle. Consumer choices, exuberant...
Slower PaceDeflation Thoughts“Obvious Differences”Pension PlungeAnother ComplicationGold Nuggets and Black EyesThis week’s news is seemingly all about Ukraine and Russia. It is a terrible situation. But as an economic matter, we still have...
Awash in CapitalHair-Trigger MoneyImport TrapThe Fed Piles OnHelp WantedFlooding the Zone in Puerto RicoInterest rates—the “price of money”—have been unusually low for most of this century, particularly since the 2008 crisis but going back...
“In many important ways, the financial crash of 2008 had never ended. It was a long crash that crippled the economy for years. The problems that caused it went almost entirely unsolved. And this financial crash was compounded by a long...
Multiple BubblesNo Credit Crunch“Two Bubbles Off Dead Center”Living with a Chef in Puerto RicoYou’ve heard the old stock market adage, “As goes January, so goes the year.” If so, 2022 will be a wild ride.Of course, in this context “wild”...
An Especially Difficult ChallengeWWBD?Success Is a Problem—WWXD?Special OpportunityWashington, DC, and a Path-Dependent ScheduleTwenty-two years of tradition dictate I begin the new year by forecasting what lies ahead. Unfortunately, the...
No Blank SlateRunning HotMajor AdjustmentWhat Really Caused InflationThe Fed’s Real DilemmaWashington, DC, and Home for the HolidaysYou won’t be surprised to know I disagree with recent Federal Reserve policy choices. The Fed’s future...
Funding GapUnwieldy SizeIrrational ExuberanceUnknown TerritoryA Brief CommercialHome for the Holidays and Black-Eyed PeasWhy do we invest? Everyone has their reasons, but funding retirement may be the most common one. Whenever the time...


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