Vince Lanci
Articles by Vince Lanci
One question that often comes up in the silver community is what it will take for silver to experience a price breakout. With many feeling that it will require participation from the mainstream investment world.If that does indeed turn out...
One of the big developments in the gold and silver markets this year has been that as prices have risen, we've seen a lot of the major banks begin to put out bullish gold and silver reports. And now Bank of America is the latest to issue a...
The silver price had a volatile morning following the news of JP Morgan taking over First Republic Bank, with a spike to near $26, followed by a plummet that wiped out most of the gains.
And in this week's report with Vince...
As another trading week begins, the news of countries making arrangements to move away from dollar dependence continues.In the last week, the Bank of Zimbabwe introduced a gold-backed digital currency, Bolivia agreed to trade outside of...