Mervyn Burak

Merv is a retired Aerospace Engineering consultant.  He is also a retired market technician with over 40 years of market experience and research.  Merv received his certification as a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) in 1992. Developer of many technical techniques and programs which he has been using in his previous Technically Speaking with Wil-Arm and Technically Precious with Merv commentaries posted throughout the globe.  Developer of several gold and silver Indices, Merv continues to update his Merv’s Gold & Silver 100 Index and Merv’s Penny Arcade 50 Index and reviews them during his periodic on-going Technically Precious commentaries. 

Articles by Mervyn Burak

Looks like more and more analysts are getting to be quite bearish lately.  That’s what a few down days in the market can do to you…but is the future all that dark?  As a pure market technician I’m not yet so bearish, if at all....
So, what the heck is going on with Silver?  One can go nuts reading reports that silver is going to go through the roof while at the same time looking at its price which seems to be heading more towards the basement.  Is this the...
The melting point for silver is 961.93 °C - 1235.08 °K

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