
Rambus Chartology is Primarily a Goldbug TA Site following the precious metals markets. Chartology is the Unique Blend of Technical Chart Pattern Identification and Market Psychology,  Developed by Rambus During the Tech Mania of the late 1990s.  His Early Training came the old fashioned way...Reading Edwards and McGee's Bible of Technical Analysis and spending years with a sharp pencil graph paper and ruler refining his skills and accuracy. Visit the Rambus Chartology website at http://rambus1.com/.

Articles by Rambus

One of the headlines this week was, the biggest rise in inflation since 1982. To put that into context we’ll need to look at some long term charts and what the Chartology looks like back then and today.Right now everyone is trying to blame...
This is what I wrote exactly one year ago today.I’m headed out to do my civic duty and vote. I have no idea how long it will take so I’m going to post this chart now.For those that have been with Rambus Chartology for awhile know about...
Tonight I would like to show you some long term charts for Silver which shows that it has a bright future. In the short term is where its problems lie. The thing with big consolidation pattens is, its more of a time thing than a price...
In this last post for the Quarterly Report I would like to update some very long term charts for some of the US stock markets and other areas to see how this secular bull market has been progressing since the 2009 crash low. It is easy to...
Today let’s take a look at the bad boy of the PM complex, silver. If you’ve been following silver for any length of time then you know it can be aggravating at times as we’ve seen fairly recently when gold and the PM stocks have been...
I would like to finish up with the long term secular bull market we discussed in the Weekend Report for the US stock markets. Long term secular bull markets just don’t begin and end for no good reason. There has to be a catalyst that...
Today I would like to focus in on silver which remains one of the best bargains in the PM complex right now. When I first became acquainted with the PM complex back in early 2002 I learned quickly that just because gold may have had a good...
Before we look at tonight’s Precious Metals charts I would like to make a comment on the US stock markets. I will take some flack over some of the comments I’m going to make but that’s fine as it won’t be the first time nor the last....
The great debate on whether we’re going to see inflation or deflation has been answered in spades. For years some of the greatest minds of our time have discussed this issue in great detail with each side giving probable reasons as to why...
I promised you on Friday that I would take an in-depth look at the energy complex in the Weekend Report. If there is one sector to define the possible deflationary event we’ve been discussing for the last several months or so oil is...


The symbol for silver ‘AG’ comes from the Latin word ‘agentum’ meaning silver.

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