Cliff Droke

Clif Droke is the editor of the three times weekly Momentum Strategies Report newsletter, published since 1997, which covers U.S. equity markets and various stock sectors, natural resources, money supply and bank credit trends, the dollar and the U.S. economy.  The forecasts are made using a unique proprietary blend of analytical methods involving cycles, internal momentum and moving average systems, as well as investor sentiment.  He is also the author of numerous books, including most recently “Kress Cycles.” For more information visit

Articles by Cliff Droke

Contrarians take note: The latest issue of Time magazine featured another one of those infamous bull market covers.  The bull was displayed rather prominently on the cover under the headline, “How Wall Street Won.” The...
When most people think about the biggest threats to the U.S. economy they usually mention things like the budget deficit, the national debt or the trade gap.  What rarely gets mentioned as a potential economy killer is something we...
After two years of winding down the U.S. military’s presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rumblings of war are being felt in Syria.  Calls for American intervention in Syria’s civil war have been increasing lately, especially after...
The Investment Company Institute (ICI) estimated weekly net cash outflow from bond mutual funds of $13.5 billion during the week of June 12.  This followed a staggering $10.9 billion outflow the previous week.  So began a steady...
Try as it may, the Federal Reserve can’t seem to patch all the holes in the leaky inner tube that is the U.S. economy.  While Fed chief Bernanke is credited for pumping up the deflated tire since 2009, each time he succeeds in...
Let's talk silver, shall we? Over the past few weeks there has been increasing interest in the white metal sector after the vigorous rally in silver earlier this spring. One thing that has really blown me away is a super long-term silver...
I asked the question in my last silver futures report back in March, "When will this correction finally end?" I answered by pointing out that the silver chart suggested the correction should be over soon week as the latest 12-week cycle in...
While the past month has been an extremely active and eventful one for the gold market, the "other" metal has been shunned by comparison. The rise in gold prices over the past 3-4 weeks has been nearly straight up while silver has...
In our last silver update dated Sept. 16, entitled "A silver sling-shot set-up," we wrote that December Silver futures would have the chance to "sling-shot" to as high as $4.80 based on the parabolic bowl pattern in the daily chart at that...
A potentially profitable speculator's play is developing in the stock of Silverado Gold (SLGLF), a low-priced mining share that we've been able to profit from several times in the past few months. The tenuous nature of this trading set-up...


The melting point for silver is 961.93 °C - 1235.08 °K

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