Dr. F.T. Dao

F.T. Dao is a private investor and recently left the corporate world for technical analysis of stock markets.  He holds a PhD degree in physics and has done technical analysis of the market on the side for many years.  He welcomes constructive discussion and can be reached at:  ftdao245@gmail.com  , ftdao245@comcast.net

Articles by Dr. F.T. Dao

This Week’s Gold And Silver Prices

Last April retail sales dropped a whopping 14.6%.  Yet the stock market Dow increased 0.25%.  It looks like the majority of investors are inert to any bad news.  Everyone tend to blame...
There is Always Silver Linings under the Cloud

Increasing numbers of articles focused on gold and silver can be found in many good journals.  Gold and silver are regarded as safe haven assets during global relentless currency printing...
Will Mighty Dollar Fall?

The answer to the fall of the Dollar is yes. In fact, our specialized cycle analysis presented in this article will show:

The US Dollar index (USD) will fall to 70 by 2020, and to 60 by 2025....
Global Currency Inflation

All major developed countries are engaging in printing their paper currencies to pop up their economies.  In this article, we study the question:

With rising inflation, what will happen to the global...
In this article, we ask the key question on precious metals:  when will silver outperform gold in price?  Our answer is:  right now in the process.  We will show this by comparing gold and silver from the cycle analysis...
"Instead of bronze I will bring gold, And instead of iron I will bring silver.” Isaiah 60:17

The price movement of silver goes with that of gold.  Gold price has a high volatility compared to the equity markets like DOW, but...
During 1500s the Spaniards had taken 16,000,000 kilograms of silver from Peru.

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