Jeff Nielson

Jeff Nielson is co-founder and managing partner of Bullion Bulls Canada; a website which provides precious metals commentary, economic analysis, and mining information to readers/investors. Jeff originally came to the precious metals sector as an investor around the middle of last decade, but soon decided this was where he wanted to make the focus of his career. His website is

Articles by Jeff Nielson

“Statistics can be used to say anything.”

Many readers are familiar with this cliché, but few understand its real significance. Numbers don’t lie, meaning the raw data which we collect on a nearly infinite number of subjects. Statistics...
In the news today; we saw the Corporate media engage in a typically Machiavellian attempt to present the West’s “debt problem”. It did this by first hiding the explosion of Western debt within the total growth of overall global debt.The...
For the past three decades; we have been subjected to the mythology that when the Rich get richer “it’s good for the economy”. This mythology has been debunked in several of my own previous commentaries, most notably The Pareto Threshold....
Few noises emitted by the U.S. (and Western) mainstream media have been as shrill or as sustained as the endless accusations that “China is a currency-manipulator”. Every time the renminbi falls in value versus the dollar (and sometimes...
Part I of this series laid out the three conclusions which would be established:The U.S. economy is currently in the midst of a Greater Depression; the worst sustained economic collapse in the history of that nation.Given this collapse;...
Since the beginning of 2014; we have been subjected to two constant themes in the propaganda of the mainstream media. One of these themes is that after “recovering” year after year after year; the U.S. economy is finally strong enough to...
(Part I - )(Part II - II of this series ended with the promise...
Part I  of this series ended with some rather ominous questions. Most of those questions tied-in to the chart below, and what it signified in both practical and statistical terms: Here readers see a picture which is markedly...
There must certainly be times when regular (and objective) readers ask themselves if it is not me who is “living in fantasy-land” rather than – as alleged again and again in these commentaries – the drones of the mainstream media. There...
Regular readers are familiar with my characterization and observations concerning the Corporate media propaganda machine. This oligopoly disseminates its “news” as a single, monolithic herd. This, by itself, is conclusive proof that we are...


Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead and zinc refining.

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