Tom McClellan

Articles by Tom McClellan

Dec 17, 2021People think that the Fed controls inflation, and they think that because they were taught to think that while getting expensive educations at institutions of higher learning. And besides, everyone says so, and so it must be...
Anyone can look at the VIX to get sentiment indications about the stock market. That’s beginner stuff, although still pretty good. The real fun lies in going deeper into data that no one else looks at to find the fun insights. This week’s...
May 21, 2021As detailed here back in January 2021, the movements of gold prices tend to get echoed about 20-1/2 months later in the movements of long-term interest rates. The replication of gold’s movements is not perfect, and we really...
Nov 5, 2020

A peak in global average temperatures in 2015-16 is foretelling a bottom for long-term bond yields. But to understand that point, I need to explain this week’s chart.

It shows an inverted plot of Moody’s Aaa corporate...
August 03, 2017

Everyone has heard the old saying about “Sell in May and go away,” but history shows that the period of seasonal strength actually ends around August 1. But it is tougher to come up with a catchy rhyming phrase for that...
Bottom of Form

I got to wondering about all of the NYSE traders on CNBC sporting their “Dow 20,000” hats.  Hitting that level seems elusive, but they keep them at the ready.

Interestingly, if they would do just a tiny bit of...
Silver has the highest electrical conductivity and heat of all metals.

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